Sunday, November 06, 2005

FREE FAX OFFERS FROM EFAX.COM, TOO offers, too, free fax services: a free number where to receive faxes (delivered later on your inbox) but you must to upgrade to premium services in order to choose the number of your preference ( a local fax number near to you ), and, in order to not lose even the free subscription with them ( usually, offered to you against some ads sent to your email from their sponsors ), you must receive AT LEAST A FAX MESSAGE ON YOUR ACCOUNT PER MONTH ! So, take care and arrange with someone to keep feeding your fax number with messages :))


Gabrielle said...


nice information about free fax services. Online fax service is the fast solution which really helpful to maintain fax communication.

But most of free fax service providers ask for so many details. Have you tried the free fax service from it is also free, fast and it does not require any details to send fax any where in United states. I hope this info will help your readers...

mg said...

I would recommend following for free online faxing to USA and Canada where you can send PDF/Word files with no ads or any limitations. Also use receive free faxes online.